About Me

Wife. Novice storyteller. Mountain biker. Tea drinker. Nurse by day. Traveler. Wannabe gardner. Plant murderer. Crossfitter. Country lover. Strong believer in the power of wine and good conversation. Crap runner. Even crappier photographer. Chocolate hoarder. Duckling welfare advocate. Paleo cook. Non-paleo baker. Weekend explorer. Expert hugger. American girl.

This is not for critics, skeptics, or anyone who finds their glass half empty. 

This is for me. For my family. For my friends. For everyone else who believes in the universe and creating their own destiny. 

And for anyone dreaming about New Zealand.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Jennifer Wolfe and I work on a very popular international travel series that documents adventurous individuals’, couples’ and families’ experiences as they make the decision to move abroad. This series is a great opportunity to tell your story and share more about what you like/dislike about your new home. If you think that you or someone you know could be a fit for the show, or if you’d like to get more information, please contact me at JenniferWolfe@LeopardUSA.com. Thanks!
