15 December 2013

One Year

Today is the day. We've been in New Zealand for one year.

I planned on writing a longer piece, a reflection, a personal time capsule. But as I find more and more often, I have so many other interests. I had things to do today. Scott raced (and won!) another downhill race in the park. I enjoyed another beautiful summer day. I cleaned a bit and prepared a little for my parent's visit in 5 days. And in an hour or so, we're going to the movies.

Life is blissfuly full. As Im sure my interested readers have noticed, I sometimes have a hard time being timely with my posts. I absolutely intend to keep writing, for the 4 of you out there that care, and for myself. But sometimes weeks go by where I just don't find the time… and I think thats a sign that we've made a life here in New Zealand.

So I do hope to write something meaningful and reflective at some point. It's actually supposed to rain tomorrow. Maybe then. But for now, I'll leave you with what I posted to my Facebook this morning. A summary of my feelings:

While staring off into space this morning, contemplating the ridiculous juxtaposition of my Christmas tree against the sunny ocean, I realized… Today is the 1 year anniversary of our move to New Zealand. How does time go by SO fast? What an incredible life and perspective altering year of growth and challenges and frustrations and happiness. I am grateful.


  1. It's more than four. You are inspiring!

  2. Aw, thank you! You just made my day!

  3. I so totally agree with Mat. I've told you before that I love reading your blog. I think many of your friends just forget and being as you don't post to your Facebook when you have a new entry, where everyone seems to live these days, they aren't reminded. I personally have a link saved on my desktop..I enjoy reading it that much! Although your life is so full I hope you will continue to have time to write. You are very good at it.
    Happy Holidays to you and your hubby
